The furore over Fallout 76 has become worse for Bethesda, as it’s revealed that the publisher made special edition canvas bags to go out to influencers, but not the ones meant to go to paying customers. The bags, which are meant to hold the T-51b Power Armor helmet found in the Power Armor edition of Fallout 76, are made of a cheap nylon instead of an expected canvas, which was a huge disappointment for those who forked out the money for this premium edition of the multiplayer Fallout game.

This controversy is just one part of a larger problem for Bethesda over Fallout 76. The game has had a seriously negative reception since launch from both critics and fans, while the publisher has faced backlash not just over the poor quality of the title itself, but also over communication surrounding fixes. This is an area that the publisher has had to apologise for, with the issues stacking up overall.

The latest problem regarding Fallout 76’s canvas bags is perhaps the worst of the lot, however. As shown by the excellent image above from TellTaleTimeLord on Reddit, fans are not happy about the lack of canvas bags in the first place. Now that it’s been confirmed that Bethesda took the care to give canvas bags out to influencers, it’s another matter entirely.

YouTuber HeelvsBabyFace noticed that a number of unboxing videos from online influencers included a Fallout 76 canvas duffle bag. This bag was included in the goods that were given out to content creators in a Fallout 76 event back in October. Although the bag itself is a different design to those meant to be included in the Power Armor edition of the game, it’s no doubt bound to frustrate those who didn’t get what they wanted from the pre-order.

It gets even worse when compared to Bethesda’s reasons for the canvas bag not being included. A representative stated that “the bag shown in the media was a prototype and was too expensive to make,” but clearly some kind of canvas bag was easy enough to make as a promotional tool for the game - just not worth making for paying customers. Understandably, fans are unimpressed.

The overall issue of quality in Fallout 76 is one that rumbles on for Bethesda, from serious matters such as a class action lawsuit through to  the more light-hearted modding of the canvas bag into Fallout 4. Either way, however, it shows just how poorly Bethesda planned through the launch of Fallout 76, and how little care it took when it came to devoted fans.

More: Fallout 76 Reviews Roundup: Bethesda Rushed This One

Sources: TellTaleTimeLord, HeelvsBabyFace, Eurogamer