Everyone wants good video quality when watching TV and most users are satisfied with the quality without knowing that there are video qualities better than the default one for sports, events, shows, etc. These settings apply to both LCD/LED and QLED TVs though these settings are somehow different by model. Before moving further, there are things to consider for getting the best view which is TV positioning and room lighting. TV positioning is a fixed place where you keep your TV and mind you, don’t keep your TV in a position where it will be hard for you to get the best view. Room lighting on the other hand involves the lighting of the room either from a window, lantern, or any source of light. It is advisable to dim the light because bright light affects the TV’s visuals. Most times, room lighting is the cause of visual issues on TV but that should be a problem. Below are more details on what you need to do.

How To Fix The Room Lighting Issue?

If you love the lighting of your  room and don’t want to reduce or off it, then you can follow the guide below to improve the TV video quality

Select “Settings” on your Samsung Smart Hub TVChoose “System” Select “Expert Settings”Choose usage modeSelect “Home Mode”.

Intelligent Picture

If you have a Samsung QLED or Serif TV, you have two options to fix the picture quality which are:

• Adaptive Brightness

• Intelligent Mode

Adaptive Brightness

This is a setting in which the LED backlight adjusts automatically when it detects the light surrounding it.

Intelligent Mode

This is an optional mode whereby the TV recognizes and analyses the room and TV patterns to give the best quality. If your Samsung does not have the intelligent mode and adaptive brightness feature then you can use the Picture Mode Presets on your TV to make the quality better.

Picture Mode Presets

This feature may vary with different TV models and input. There are different modes for picture presets which are:

• Dynamic mode

• Standard mode

• Natural mode 

• Movie mode

Current Samsung TV modes

• Game Mode

• HDR+ Mode

• Sports Mode

Game Mode

If you are a gamer, then you should choose this model because it sets your TV in a slow mode. To effectively use this mode, connect it to a game controller.

HDR+ Mode

This mode is available in 4K TV models. It has HDR-encoded content that automatically improves the TV’s HDR ability. This process requires conversion and this makes it not too accurate as the main HDR content. If this mode is ineffective, do away with it.

Sports Mode

The Sports mode gives you the best quality for sports. It gives you a brighter image with a fast motion response and makes you feel like you are in the stadium.

How to Customize Picture Setting?

If the Samsung TV modes above are not suitable for you, you can customize them to your taste to get better quality.  You can adjust the backlight, brightness, sharpness, and more. Below is the recommended guide for customizing your Samsung TV picture.

Brightness: This feature allows you to darken or lighten the image’s area. To do this, set the brightness level between 45 to 55

Backlight: This sets the rate of backlight intensity. On a scale of 0-20, you can set it to be 15

Sharpness: The feature controls the distinction of the picture. If the sharpness is much, the image will look harsh but if it is low, the image will look soft. On a scale of 0-100, use 25.

Contrast: This is used for adjusting the image’s brightness. You can set it to 80 to 85.

Color: This feature works on image saturation. When it is high, the image will be highly saturated and vice versa. It works well on 45-55.

Tint: This feature adjusts the skin tones, either yellow/green or red/magenta. It is recommended to set this mode to ‘0’.


Samsung TV is a good brand, if you are looking for a TV then you should choose Samsung. You can get a better picture setting on your Samsung TV, just follow the guides in this article. If the picture set in the article doesn’t suit you, you can customize it to your choice to watch and enjoy it.

  1. Can I use my Samsung TV for Gaming only?

Yes, it is left for you to do what you want.

  1. Does Samsung TV offer a warranty?

Yes, there is a warranty on all Samsung products

 3) Is Samsung TV available worldwide?

Yes, you don’t need to travel far to get a Samsung product.