The developers of the Medieval Dynasty, for some unfathomable reason, made it extremely difficult to find rocks in the game. Moreover, this is one of the most vital resources in the early stages of the game, and you need to put in a Herculean effort in order to collect a fair amount of it.

Either way, we have no option but to do our best as of now. Don’t worry; we’re here to help you out. In this all-new guide, we will take you through the best locations to find rocks in the Medieval Dynasty.

What are the best locations to gather rocks in the Medieval Dynasty?

In the Medieval Dynasty, rocks spawn at a very slow rate and are thus quite difficult to come by. Hopefully, the development team will rectify this in the future. Until that happens, players will need to devise effective ways to acquire more rocks in the present scenario. As of now, the choicest place to come across rocks in the game is in the areas near villages.

This includes the areas behind houses that you will find slightly more in-depth into the forests. One of the most ideal locations for constructing your first house – a certain expanse of flat land near the river, next to the road – is also a good place to find large amounts of rocks. You will still have to put in hard work to harvest this rare resource, though. Always keep in mind the importance of audio in gathering essential resources in the Medieval Dynasty. While walking, keep your ears preened on the sound of your footsteps.

If the sound of your footsteps changes from grass to that of gravel all of a sudden, it indicates that you have stepped on a rock. When this happens, stop and take a good look at your surroundings. You are very likely to come across rocks in this place! After you have collected a decent amount of rocks, you will be able to construct helpful tools like the stone axe. This serves as your primary tool in the game. You can use it to cut down trees and make alterations to your simple house.

That is it for now. We hope our guide helps you efficiently collect rocks in the Medieval Dynasty. Now, check out our Windows Guides, Gaming Guides, Social Media Guides, iPhone, and Android Guides to know more. If you have any queries, comment down with your name & email ID. Moreover, subscribe to our very own YouTube Channel in order to watch awesome videos on gaming and smartphone tips and tricks. Thank you!