
If someone loves games then steam is not unfamiliar to them. With steam coming to Linux things have changed drastically. The best thing was when Valve Corp. launched SteamOS for PC. Based on Debian, SteamOS has the steam app pre-installed so that you can just install and get started to a game. They have already included necessary 3rd party installations that will be required to run games. Also, you can use your default DE if you wish. Now, tell me isn’t that cool. I myself use Steam to play CS:GO, Warcraft and many other games. This is a must check out.   Download

Ubuntu GamePack

If there is a conquest for best gaming distro how someone can forget Ubuntu. Although the Canonical never thought of this but guys at UALinux certainly did. Ubuntu GamePack is based on Ubuntu 16.04 (2017.01) with website claims that will surely provide a head start with more than 22 381 games and applications for MS Windows and MS-DOS. Be sure to check it out in case you love Ubuntu. Also, it has many applications pre-installed that you will love to have for gaming.   Download


​In case you don’t know Lakka is a free open-source game console that can help you to run your favorite games on PC at a minimal cost. Minimal cost is what you spend at setting up Lakka. Lakka can help you run your favorite PS, XBOX and many other consoles on PC very easily. However, they only offer USB stick images but some users also made it boot on their PC with DVD. Having low hardware requirements, user-friendly Lakka is something you must try if you love retro games as Lakka is famous especially for running retro games.   Download

Fedora Games Spin

​In case you guys love fedora as much as I do and don’t want any other distro here is the perfect deal. Get fedora games spin. Fedora games spin comes with a large number of games having pre-installed. You just need to have the gaming requirements and have fedora games spin and you are all set to gaming. However, it doesn’t come with pre-installed Steam and WIne.   Download

SparkyLinux GameOver

​SparkyLinux is already a popular distro based on Debian and when it comes to gaming these guys have got us SparkyLinux GameOver edition on Debian (Testing Branch). Coming with LXDE as DE it is fairly well optimized for old PCs. In case you got an old PC and a younger sibling crying you for games, this is the time you can set up Sparky on it and handover it to him and let him have the fun. In case you wonder Wine and Steam are already installed.   Download

Game Drift Linux

​Game Drift Linux is an amazing distro that has its own game store. As they say, they take gaming seriously they prove it with having the support of almost all your favorite games of windows too. Isn’t that cool that you can have a Linux distro and can play all your cool windows games on PC easily? But a sad thing is that you need to activate the crossover feature that allows you to run other OS games on it and it’s paid.   Download

Manjaro Gaming Edition

​Manjaro is a famous distro based on Arch. Manjaro has been popular as it makes new users to easily use the power of Arch without having any difficulty. Now manjaro has a gaming edition too with some special tweaks and is available on sourceforge for downloads. Gaming edition features a dark theme while having sleep mode disable (who sleeps while gaming?). There are also many more tweaks Disable mouse cursor on certain areas, special editing tools, and many others. Featuring emulators, add-ons and some necessary software manjaro gaming editions is a really cool distro.   Download


​Mentioning games for gaming is a real hard task especially when you are a gamer. As a gamer, I know that everyone has got a different opinion and preference. I would love to know how your game on your PC and what you prefer as for me Steam is the best as I can use it as an application while staying on my favorite distro i.e. Linux Mint. Comment and let me know what you game on!