Uber: The Car-sharing Ruler

Being one of the biggest tech firms in the world, Uber approximately has more than 120 million users. Uber is significantly cost-saving and contributes greatly towards reducing carbon footprint worldwide. Some of its best features are-

Scheduling rides in advanceMultiple drop-offs for shared ridersSpecial tech assistance for hearing impaired driversOption to split fares between riders with various options of payment

Cabify: The Quality King

Cabify, an app that guarantees safety, also offers its best quality services. It stands out by providing trained drivers for each ride further offering expertise and protection. Some of Cabify’s best features are-

The app suggests the shortest route each time to avoid the hassle of trafficIt offers trained drivers who provide the users with essential servicesSuggesting taking a shorter route, the app allows users to reach their destination at a cheaper cost

LYFT: A friend indeed

Branding itself as a ‘friend’, LYFT serves as one by offering a wonderful experience with affordable prices and memorable rides. LYFT has now become more of culture by standing true to its name and value with friendly and welcoming drivers who have created a loyal customer base. Its best features are-

Trained drivers with background checks to ensure additional safetySpecial options for quick pickupsA separate app for driver’s convenienceOption to earn tips from shared rides

Ola: An Indian Giant

Initially limited to India, Ola has now started its services all over Australia. Comprising more than 4,00,00 vehicles in India itself, Ola is a leading giant in the nation and now rising in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and more cities in Australia. Its most promising services are:

Access to free Wi-Fi during ridesQuick booking with scheduling rides in advanceDrivers receive a daily payIn-car entertainment with 24/7 assistance

GoKid: Carsharing for the Kids

By providing its services for minors, GoKid stands out in the car-sharing sector. It provides its services across 25 countries and is based on the concept of mutual favors where parents have to drive, thus acting as a savior for parents with busy schedules and emergencies. Some of its outstanding features are:

Parents taking turns driving each-others childrenOption to invite friends from your contacts that can be connected to appOption to track the journey and in-app messaging for updates

BlaBla Car: a Unique French Idea

This French private model has a unique way of car-sharing apps that allows anyone with a car to list their vehicle on the app for someone to book a car-sharing ride for the same route, thus saving expenses. It also allows users to book rides for longer travels between cities. Its best features are:

Option to book last minutes seatsA humorous option for users with a driving rating scale mentioning ‘bla’ for quiet drivers, ‘bla bla’ for chatty ones, and ‘bla bla bla’ for the ones who are chatty and loudmouth. Allows to post for a trip within seconds

GetAround: Airbnb for Cars

Similar to Airbnbs’, GetAround allows users to share their cars for a longer ride or rent cars from the app. Its most promising features are:

The hourly rate of sharing cars and renting cars starts at a nominal price of $5Verified owners as owners pay a fee of $20 to stay in touch with the network

Tips to maximize the car-sharing experience

The users must be following an efficient and careful car sharing apps approach as they wish to maximize their experience. They can schedule rides carefully looking at the driver’s expertise and the vaccination status in this post-pandemic world, with also a glance over the benefits they secure from the ride as- cashback, points, and coupons.

With more and more start-ups coming up in the car-sharing sector, the sector is set to exponentially grow, hence choosing our car-sharing rides the smart way is the way to go.

How to utilize the tech support the car has?

The user can access the tech with the help of the manual provided or can take assistance from the driver in presence.

How to have a safe and secure car-sharing experience?

Each passenger holds zero obligation for a conversation while sharing a car with an unknown, it’s safe to communicate as much as necessary for a safe ride and for paying for their rides.

Can I share my car with only my contacts?

Yes! It is certainly possible to share a car with only our contacts in certain apps. 

Can I suggest a route to the driver?

While sharing a car, it’s best to take routes that hold every user’s interest and safety. For a car with a driver, one can suggest a route that the driver can look up for extra safety and accommodate the request accordingly.