Shoplifting is by any definition stealing merchandise or goods from a store. This act is strictly prohibited in all Best Buy stores across the United States. Best Buy seeks to prevent shoplifting in its stores by using surveillance technology such as surveillance cameras. These cameras are strategically placed in stores and they have facial recognition to identify shoplifters.

The cameras also have video analytics to track shoplifters. However, the security cameras are not only inside the store but are also placed in the parking lots of Best Buy stores. Also, Best Buy makes use of Loss personnel. They are also called Loss prevention officers. Loss prevention officers or Loss personnel reduce theft losses in the store by discouraging shoplifting and apprehending anybody attempting to steal merchandise.

If the Best Buy loss prevention officers or Loss personnel suspect that a customer has left without paying for an item, they are to note the time and license plate and report it to the police. The cops then take the case forward. Shoplifting from Best Buy is a grave offense and is thus punishable by law. 

Can I Go To Jail For Shoplifting From Best Buy? 

After the shoplifting case gets transferred into the hands of the cops, it could likely end up in jail time. Mostly, shoplifting from Best Buy results in fines or even community service. 

You could also be requested to pay for the merchandise. 

Are The Employees At Best Buy Allowed To Physically Assault Me If I Get Caught Shoplifting?

No, the employees at Best Buy are not allowed to physically assault you if you get caught stealing merchandise from the store. 

This is a result of the Best Buy- ‘No Touch’ policy. 

What Exactly Is The ‘No Touch Policy’ At The Best Buy Store?

The ‘no-touch policy’ at Best Buy is essentially a no-contact policy that prohibits the Best Buy employees from touching a person who they suspect must have stolen merchandise from the store. 

This policy was designed by Best Buy to keep its employees safe from the armed shoplifters. It also aims to promote the safety of the other people present in the store. 

Does Shoplifting Affect Best Buy? 

Yes, shoplifting affects Best Buy as it would cost them more money to produce the stolen merchandise again. 

In addition, the customers who want to pay for the merchandise won’t be allowed to purchase them. 

Thus shoplifting from a Best Buy store would gravely affect the profits of Best Buy as a company. 

How Do The Best Buy Employees Deal With Shoplifting At The Store?

The employees of Best Buy usually file a detailed police report against shoplifting.

Details such as: What item was stolen?/ What items were stolen? Information regarding the suspected thief 

Perhaps a car plate number. 

Sometimes the Best Buy employees even give the police the name of the suspected shoplifter if they have it. 

How Do The Best Buy Employees Deal with Shoplifting By A Minor? 

If a minor (a person under sixteen) is shoplifting at Best Buy, the minor’s parents or guardians are summoned.

If the employees cannot reach the parent or guardian, they will most likely get the police involved. 

Could The Best Buy Employees Confront A Shoplifter? 

Yes, the employees may confront a suspected shoplifter while in the store.

 After the suspect gets out of the store, a formal investigation begins. 

Is It Easy To Get Away With Shoplifting From Best Buy? 

No, you cannot get away with shoplifting from Best Buy. 

They’d probably know who you are because the store has put in place surveillance technology that has facial recognition. 


Shoplifting is an issue that is not treated lightly at Best Buy. 

It could result in penalties such as apprehension, detention, and other deterrents for people who are not minors. 

According to Best Buy, Minors are those under sixteen.

However, you should pay for whatever merchandise you wish to carry home to prevent these penalties. 

What are the employees that deal with shoplifting at Best Buy called?

They are known as the Loss prevention team.

Do The Loss prevention team wear a special uniform?

No, they do not have a special uniform. They wear the usual Best Buy uniform. 

title: “Best Buy Shoplifting Policy” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-18” author: “Mark Harper”


Retail shrink, or the loss of inventory as a result of shoplifting, staff theft, vendor fraud, and administrative errors, is a major issue for retailers all across the country. It leads to the shrinkage of accounts and as a result companies and stores have to incur huge losses. As early as 1995, it was recognized that shoplifting is a problem for Best Buy as well. Now, Best Buy aspires to increase revenues while minimizing unnecessary losses as one of America’s leading consumer electronics shops.

With the introduction and adjustment of shoplifting policies at large retailers, here is some information available about Best Buy’s shoplifting policy.


Recently to analyze the sales and growth of Best Buy, a report was released by the company in November 2021 where it was identified that there have been several ‘hot zones; for crime prominent of which are San Francisco and certain other sections of California. The CEO of Best Buy Corie Barry has stated that the retail crime has been “traumatizing” for employees and staff at the affected outlets. The company believes a spike in thefts will have a ripple impact on staff retention. Profits have been severely hampered as a result of the thefts. Due to the huge losses incurred by the retailers such as Best Buy, they have developed certain policies to minimize the impact of this ever-existing menace which will be discussed in the next sections. 


Best Buy started fighting shrinkage with a standard loss prevention strategy. The loss prevention section of Best Buy was responsible for limiting and reducing inventory shrinkage due to shoplifting, staff theft, vendor theft, and administrative errors. They conducted operational audits of stores to detect errors, used standard in-store processes and theft investigations to arrest and recover stolen items.  They eventually realized that Best Buy loss prevention had devolved into a silo that was failing. 

It was evident that the typical loss prevention methodology was no longer adequate. They needed to come up with a unique solution and hence they developed their loss prevention and shoplifting strategy further. Best Buy recognized that to reduce shrinkage, they needed to change not only how they addressed loss prevention at Best Buy, but also how their culture was around loss prevention. Loss prevention isn’t about using technology to catch individuals doing bad things. It’s about reducing loss or eliminating an environment in which people believe it’s alright to commit wrongdoing.


The company over the years has developed new ways to provide value to the organization as a whole in today’s competitive environment. The company used strategies to not only improve shrink results and lower operating costs but also to guarantee that the employees become allies and are satisfied with the policies of the company.  Some of the recent policies of best buy are- 

Employee-driven approach– Best buy had adopted a more rigorous, employee-driven approach to establishing a culture that encourages and rewards employee honesty, innovation, and teamwork, resulting in less shrink and highly satisfied, loyal workers. The plans developed involve a bottom-up approach with contributions from store managers and line-level employees which make them innovative and successful.

Identification of thieves or shoplifters– It is to be importantly highlighted here that for detecting shoplifters in the act, Best Buy utilizes active technology-driven systems, strategies, and procedures. Best Buy has facial recognition and video analytics cameras as well as parking lot cameras that can help identify the shoplifter and their vehicle. Besides, after identification of the shoplifter, Best Buy may occasionally post photos of possible suspects who have been barred from entering the store.

Strategies to minimize loss–  Best Buy does have an active Lost Prevention strategy in place, which outlines a series of procedures aimed at decreasing avoidable loss while maintaining a profit. Loss prevention agents are employed by Best Buy with the primary objective of discouraging theft and apprehending anyone attempting to steal anything from the store. Similarly, Best Buy’s loss prevention agents hold individuals responsible for any shop damage caused by vandalism or stolen merchandise. No-touch policy – Best Buy’s “no contact” policy is designed to protect employees’ safety as well as the tranquility of other consumers in the store. The shoplifting policy at Best Buy prevents staff from physically engaging or pursuing a suspected shoplifter. Employees of Best Buy, on the other hand, are permitted to confront the suspect while inside the store. Following that, an inquiry is initiated to determine the claims’ veracity. If the suspect leaves the store with unpaid merchandise, the loss prevention officer has the legal authority to report the incident to the police and proceed via the legal system.


Shoplifting is a menace that has grappled the entire retail world. Companies like best buy therefore need to have strong policies to deter any such illegal activities. 

Q1. Is shoplifting a serious problem in best buy stores?

Yes, shoplifting is a serious problem. It has been reported that people have been breaking into Best Buy stores to steal consumer gadgets, with some bringing firearms with them. 

Q2. Is shoplifting an offense?

Yes, it is important to know that shoplifting is an offense punishable by law and should not be taken lightly. 

Q3.  What happens if I am caught shoplifting at best buy?

 If you are between the ages of 16 and 65, shoplifting at Best Buy can result in serious penalties such as prosecution, arrest, and deterrents. People should strictly avoid indulging in such unethical and illegal practices.