Commands for Daily Weather and Latest News

  • “Alexa, display me my calendar”
  • You can manage your daily activities, meetings, appointments and organize your schedule in your calendar. Now it is easy to make your phone your virtual assistant and get timely updates of your upcoming activities.
  • “Alexa, show me the recipe of red velvet cake”
  • Cook with Alexa as it narrates to you, the recipes of your favorite desserts and foods. You don’t have to use your phone in the kitchen as Alexa will read you out the recipe. Easily pause the recipe by saying “Alexa, pause” and make the arrangements at your convenience. You can also view the recipe on your tablet.
  • “Alexa, show me pictures of snow-capped mountains”
  • Use Alexa to find pictures of anything and everything that you might be interested in on the world wide web. Not just pictures but you can also search for videos on any topic or subject.

 Commands for Music, Albums, and Media