The Bellagio has a largely pet-friendly policy.

Can the pets be walked on hotel property? While pets are allowed around some areas of the property, there are few restrictions. 

What if you have multiple pets? The management of the Bellagio allows at most two pets that fall within a given weight limit.

Guests of the Bellagio that have their pets with them need to always keep them in check. While pets are allowed, they are never to be left unattended. Besides, why would you leave the little guys to their vices? No matter how friendly, they are just a scratch or bite away from damaging hotel or casino property.

The Bellagio is so pet-friendly that the hotel has even made provisions for the little guys to have fun while still hanging out with you. The hotel allows not only “health companions” but all pets.

As to whether all kinds of pets are allowed, that might be left to the discretion of the hotel management. But as long as the pet is a regular household pet that fulfills all other requirements then you should have no problem checking him or her in. 

The hotel also has some pet assistance services. So, you could leave your pets to well-trained personnel who will take care of them pending your return.

What Are the Restrictions to Having a Pet in the Bellagio?

1. Dogs must be home trained. 

This is to ensure that it is not hostile to others nor causes harm to any of the other guests. 

2. You cannot leave your pet unattended at any time. 

So basically, you should always make sure your little fellow or fellows are watched after. So if you are going to spend most of the time engaged (business or other activities) then it would be best to leave your pets behind. Unless of course, you have someone else watch them in your stead. Thankfully, the hotel has a lot of services that allow you to hire a dog sitter. Any information you might need to that effect is readily available with the concierge. 

3. The hotel policy allows for a maximum number of only two dogs.

This policy also puts a cap on the allowed weight of the dogs. The hotel allows every guest to have with them a maximum of just two dogs. So if you have multiple pets, it would be best if you take only two with you when checking in. 

If you do have two dogs, their combined weight should not exceed 100 pounds (approximately 45 kg). 

4. Dogs are not allowed to roam free.

If you must walk your dog, it should always be on a leash. The only exception to this rule within the hotel can only be made while in your room, under supervision. If you decide to leave the dogs in the room unattended, they should be kept in a dog carrier or kennel.

There are, however, designated dog parks around the hotel where your dogs are allowed to walk without their leashes. 

5. Dogs are not allowed in restricted areas.

While you could go to most places as long as your dogs are on a leash or in a carrier, there are exceptions. For health code observance reasons dogs are not allowed in certain sensitive or public areas. The only exception is if they are just passing through. Besides, there should be a consideration for other guests that might be allergic to dog fur. 

These areas include but might not be limited (at the time of your visit) to:

Food and beverage outlets The spaThe pool.

6. You are responsible for cleaning up after the dog.

While this might not need to be said, know that it is not the responsibility of the hotel to clean up dog excrement. That responsibility falls on whoever is watching the dog whenever the incident occurs (this sentence sounds a bit too formal, but you get the point). There are pet relief areas, but that information will be provided while checking in. 

7. Dogs are not allowed to cause a ruckus.

While dogs bark occasionally, they should not disturb other guests. Make sure that at all times you have control over how much ruckus your pets generate. 

8. Be quick in handling accidents

Regardless of how many arrangements are made, accidents could occur. In such situations, it would be best to react immediately. Contact the front desk ASAP to avoid damage entirely. Or to ensure that the already done damage does not cause more damage nor leave behind any long-term implications.

The Bellagio has an all-round pet-friendly policy in place. As a guest and a pet owner, the provisions made to accommodate the little fellows will be satisfactory to you. Additional cost will be communicated after filling out the necessary checking-in information. If you choose to go, we wish you safe travels, and hope you enjoy your stay!