Nearly fifty years ago, one of the most divisive and certainly scariest films of all time was unleashed on the world. The story is simple, a young girl, Regan is possessed by a demon and needs an exorcism; but it’s the execution that makes the film terrifying. Those terrors still hold up to this day. The subliminal faces, the progression of what is happening Regan, the spiderwalk that was added back for the rerelease, spinning heads, vile language and gestures, it’s all there and is terrifying, gross, and disturbing often all at the same time.

It’s almost not surprising that a lot of the behind-the-scenes stories that came from the making of the movie were just as, if not scarier than anything seen in the movie. For even the most ardent hardcore horror fans still hold William Friedkin’s The Exorcist in the highest regard. Here are 10 Behind The Scenes Stories Of The Exorcist.

Ellen Burstyn’s Scream And Other Real Moments

When you have consummate actors on set most of the time, you can just let them do their job. Occasionally mishaps and incidents occur to aid their reactions. William Friedkin wanted to see the actors’ breath on screen and made the set ice-cold. Linda Blair still hates being cold.

Ellen Burstyn was yanked back too hard by a wire and broke her coccyx, the blood-curdling scream she lets out is real. Director William Friedkin once even fired a gun near Jason Miller to get a sincere reaction out of him.

Many Deaths Surround The Film

The cast and crew behind any movie can usually populate a small village. All told by the end of filming The Exorcist and beyond, at least nine people either related to the cast and crew or were a part of it, met their fates.

Among the list are Linda Blair’s grandfather and co-star, Max Von Sydow’s brother. Actor Jack MacGowran died from the flu, Vasiliki Maliaros from natural causes. In theory; there are probably plenty of movies over history with these coincidences, but none with the connotations of being the scariest movies ever made.

One Movie Goer Sued Warner Bros.

The Exorcist came out long before the time of studios warning about how strobe effects and intense gore could affect some viewers. There were plenty of reports of people getting sick and/or fainting while watching the movie. Supposedly, barf bags were handed out at screenings and some people had to get taken out on a stretcher.

One woman sued Warner Bros, claiming that the film’s subliminal messages caused her to pass out and break her jaw. The studio settled the claim out of court for an undisclosed amount.

Directed By Stanley Kubrick?

Several years after The Exorcist, Stanley Kubrick put his own spin on scaring the ever-loving bejesus out of moviegoers with The Shining. It almost makes you wonder what the universally lauded on Kubrick would have done with the film. For a time, Warner Bros sought Kubrick out to work his magic as the director of The Exorcist, citing that he liked to develop his own projects.

Blair Received Threats

At just twelve years old, Linda Blair’s performance as Regan garnered fan and critical acclaim, instant cult status, and to some, an actual crush to some. However, since she was playing a young girl possessed by a demon, she also caught a lot of flack from the other side of fandom.

Regan divided people long before fandom as we know it today. Linda Blair even received death threats for her role and had bodyguards follow her around for several months after the film’s release.

The Set Caught Fire

Even the set of The Exorcist was seemingly cursed. Shooting of the film got delayed when a fire ripped through the MacNeil home set. According to Friedkin, a pigeon had flown into one of the circuit boxes of the home.

Take one guess as to which room was left untouched by flames? Circle–gets–the square, the little demon girl’s room was left untouched, probably because the fires of hell had already infested the bedroom.

Supposed Killer Worked On The Film

All kidding aside, as evil as the film was, as coincidental as some of the deaths or the fire was, there was real life evil lurking around the set of the movie. Paul Bateson was a radiographer who had a bit part as the technologist in the film. In 1979, Bateson was convicted in the murder of film journalist, Addison Verrill.

That much is certain. What is more disturbing is that he might have been a serial killer. During the trial, prosecutors and police had implicated him in several other deaths of gay men he bragged about while in jail, for this Bateson is considered as a serial killer even though no evidence to suggest as much.

Blair Ineligible To Win Oscar

Linda Blair had to work with stuntwomen, special effects mavens, directors, and her fellow actors to help her bring Regan to life. But the performance is still her. Rightfully deserved, Blair received an Oscar nod for the role. However, the voice of Regan as a demon was provided for by Mercedes McCambridge.

Because of Academy rules, Blair’s nomination could not be withdrawn, but the Academy isn’t keen on crediting actors for other actors work or voice work.

Arteriogram Scene Is The Scariest

Strangely enough, in “the scariest, most disturbing movie ever made,” the scene that disturbs the most viewers is the most real one.

A scared little girl having a procedure done. According to a lot viewers, Regan’s first hospital test is the most disturbing scene in the movie, most likely because its real. Friedkin had cast real doctors to perform in the scene, and it is a very real invasive procedure that can happen in real life.

Based On A True Story

To some, this claim seems silly but The Exorcist novel and movie is based on a true story. Roland Doe was 14 years old when priests from the Roman Catholic Church spent a little over a year performing several exorcisms un the boy. Scientists and believers differ on their opinions of the events – psychiatrists believe the boy suffered from mental illness. During the ordeal, the face of the devil appeared on the boy’s leg as the voice of Saint Michael came out of the boy’s mouth demanding that devil leave the boy’s body.

Next: The Exorcist: 10 More Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Horror Masterpiece