Beginning Of The Email To The Professor

The beginning of an email to the professor will depend on the reason for the email. However, there are a few basic steps to begin a formal email to your professor. The beginning of your email to the professor should have a clear and informative subject line. The first part of your email the professor will see is the subject line and an inappropriate or wrongly written subject line can set the wrong tone for the rest of the email. 

At the beginning of the email, make sure to greet the professor. Greeting your professor at the beginning of the email is a way to convey politeness and respect at the beginning of the email. A formal greeting is enough. If the professor has an honorific make sure to include it in your greeting

Simple Steps To Beginning An Email To a Professor 

Here are some simple steps to correctly begin an email to a professor.

A. The Subject line; writing a clear and informative subject line is very important so here is a simple way of doing so. 

State the course for which you are emailing the professor. This ensures that the professor understands what the email is aimed at. E.g. ANT111; anatomy of the heart assignment. 

State the purpose of your email. The email may be for clarification of an assignment, a consultation, or a paper submission. You can correctly state the course in this format; ANT 111 submission of midterm papers. 

Do not use capital letters throughout your subject line. Only course codes and abbreviations should be in capital letters. 

B. Greetings should be polite, formal, and respectful. The greetings should come before the body of the email. Students can use the following greetings; Hello, Good day, etc. honorifics such as Dr. Prof., etc. can be added but if unknown a simple Sir or Ma will suffice. For example Good day Dr. Charles.

Make sure to check for grammar errors at the beginning of your email.

How To Correctly Write An Email To The Professor

After writing a good subject line and greeting at the beginning of an email to the professor, writing the correct body of the email and sending the email correctly will ensure you get the best response from your professor. Here are a few steps to writing a good body and closing an email to the professor.

A. A direct body of an email requires clear language and brief information regarding the reason for the email. For example, if it is a submission of papers or assignments. The students can use the following format. I want to request an extension on the final date of submission of the ANT 111 assignment. It was given on the 10th of October to be submitted on the 15th of October but due to a health issue, I am unable to. Would it be possible to submit the assignment when I can resume classes? Thank you.

B. The conclusion of an email can be done with a simple “sincerely, Ogbodo Ebony”. This shows professionalism and puts a good ring at the end of the email. Your name can also be used by the professor to identify the sender of the email if necessary. 

Reasons To Email The Professor

There are many reasons why an email to the professor will be necessary. Here are a few situations where you will need to email your professor.

When submitting an assignment as many professors require online submission.

If you need clarification of an assignment or the course guidelines.

If you are not able to attend a compulsory lecture due to an avoidable issue like clashing class schedules, health issues, etc.

When you need to request extra credits in the professor’s class.

If there is any issue you have with the professor’s class in terms of grades, attendance, and assignments.

Advantages Of A Good Beginning Of Email To Professor

A correctly written email to a professor can offer many advantages to students. 

The professor is likely to respond faster when the email is composed well.

The professor is likely to understand the issue reducing the need for further emails

A good email can get you positive feedback from your professors


The beginning of the email to the professor is the most important part of the email. If the beginning of an email to the professor is poorly written it can cause the professor to reply slower and not fully grasp the reason why the email was sent. Following the correct steps and procedures for writing the beginning of an email to the professor correctly will improve a student’s chances of a favorable reply from the professor.