Clash of Clans is one of the largest mobile games to ever release. Having an active player base for around 8 years, Clash of Clans has cemented itself as one of the most popular mobile games ever released. Given this popularity, there are always a number of players joining the ever-growing user base. Or some returning players may find themselves stuck in the early parts of Clash of Clans and are in need of guidance.

This guide will aim to assist new or returning players in the construction of their base. It will provide some general tips to assist in the creation of said base and what players should aim for to start their new Clash of Clans base.

Rebuilding the Clan Castle in Clash of Clans

The first priority of any new Clash of Clan player is to rebuild their respective Clan Castle. The Clan Castle is arguably the most important structure in the game as it allows players to join clans in-game. Joining a clan is a crucial aspect of starting out in Clash of Clans and is the determining factor in achieving success in-game.

To rebuild the Clan Castle player will need 10,000 coins. This amount is impossible for new players as their maximum coin storage is far to low to carry this amount. So to rebuild the Clan Castle it is imperative that new players upgrade their town hall and Storage facilities.

The most important facility to upgrade first would be the town hall, as it allows for all other facilities to gain higher upgrade capabilities. Behind the town hall would be the gold storage facility, upgrading your gold storage is the only way to rebuild the Clan Castle, which is your best avenue to developing a strong base.

The most effective way to upgrade these facilities is to engage in the Goblin campaign, which gives materials to upgrade these facilities. To invade these Goblin bases a player needs soldiers, which can be created through camps placed throughout your base. These camps are similar to storage facilities but instead of raw materials, they store troops used for invasion. Be careful to not engage a goblin base that is too difficult for the number of soldiers in your possession at the time. After your storage capacity is high enough be sure to rebuild the Clan Castle.

Joining a Clan in Clash of Clans

After rebuilding the Clan Castle, the next step in developing a powerful base is to join a clan. By joining a clan players have the ability to request troops from other members. The choice of a clan is entirely player based, however, a suggestion for newer players is to join a request-and-leave clan with a large player base. Request-and-leave is a clan that has a member base that provides strong troops to new players and allows newer players to request troops then leave. These types of clans are useful in that they ask little of newer players and provide them a powerful soldier base as they build.

It is not required to make use of a request-and-leave clan, if a player finds a clan that is open to newer players, that is certainly an option as well. It is more likely that request-and-leave clans will provide useful troops for new players to utilize in creating their bases. However, it is difficult to join clans at lower levels. This is due to the responsibility that clan members hold, such as providing troops and winning invasions. That is not to say all clans are not willing to allow newer players access to membership, but it is unlikely compared to the no questions asked of most request-and-leave clans.

The clan a new player makes use of is directly connected to his success in developing a powerful base. It is incredibly important that no matter the clan joined, that it is one that provides high-level troops. Invasion will be the main avenue that new players will utilize to develop their respective facilities.

Invading Bases in Clash of Clans

After joining a clan, the next step to creating a powerful base is to invade other bases using your troops and troops gained through clan trading. Players should invade the rest of the Goblin bases found in the goblin campaign. This will continue to provide resources that should be used to upgrade facilities, mainly the town hall, storage facilities and investing in powerful defenses.

After players have invaded all of the Goblin bases the next step is to tackle fellow player’s bases. As players begin the transition to player bases it is imperative that you upgrade your troop capacity, as player bases can be significantly more difficult to invade than goblin bases. As mentioned before request-and-leave clans are useful as newer players begin to tackle fellow player bases. The ability to have access to powerful troops early on in your Clash of Clans career is a clear advantage when invading player bases.

As you continue your invasions be sure to invest in defensive measures in order to keep your newly upgraded base protected from enemies. Just as you can invade the bases of others, you are also susceptible to attack. The most effective means of defense is a wall that is both sturdy and protects your resources from attack. The wall upgraded cannons and archer’s towers are also effective in keeping enemy troops away from your base.

Invasions will be the primary method new players will use to upgrade their base in Clash of Clans. After a series of successful invasions, players will be set to continue upgrades and further develop their own base.

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Clash of Clans is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.