But it is fun doing all this and still getting paid.

There is a motive to be achieved by mystery shopping. The identity of a mystery shopper must be kept secret. Because once the identity is revealed, the cover is blown. 

Who is a Mystery Shopper?

As the name implies, “mystery shopper,” the identity of a mystery shopper is kept secret. A mystery shopper enters disguised as a regular shopper and buys things as a regular shopper does. Or rather, go to a restaurant, order food and drinks, but have been saddled with another responsibility other than just buying food and drink.

A mystery shopper is an individual hired on a contractual agreement to evaluate the services, sales, and performance of a company’s employees. A mystery shopper can either be employed by a mystery shopping company or by the management of the same company wanting to know how services are rendered by their employees. 

What Does a Secret Shopper Do?

A slight dirtiness or unprofessional attitude exhibited by company staff can tarnish the company’s image in the long run. Hence, a mystery shopper, or a secret shopper is employed to check out this.

Using a retail store as a case study. A mystery shopper enters a retail store to purchase an item or pretends to be buying an item. The mystery shopper then begins to take note of the things he was hired to do, which include:

To examine the manner exhibited by the attendant Customer relations of the attendant To check the tidiness of the environmentTo check the price of the goodsTo check the speed of the attendant 

The mystery shopper then reports to his employer and gets paid. Employers can therefore work on a few lapses pointed out in the research. If the mystery shopper eventually buys an item, the money used in buying the items is given back by the employer or split in half.

Who Can Become a Mystery Shopper?

Anybody is eligible to become a mystery shopper, either male or female, old or young, as long as such individual has what it takes to become a mystery shopper. 

A mystery shopper, therefore, must be able to communicate fluently through speech and in writing, to be able to write down the discoveries made.

Have a sharp and retentive memory. This helps to document what exactly happened in the store. It also helps to write a report that contains all the necessary information. 

To relate well with the attendants and the customers.

Lastly, disguise and keep a secret. It helps to keep the identity of the mystery shopper safe so as not to blow the cover.

How Are Mystery Shoppers Paid?

Mystery shopping takes place, especially in the western world, and this opportunity is available for individuals who desire a side hustle.

Mystery shoppers can be paid in either of the following ways:


This does not involve paying after shopping, nor is there any formal agreement for payment after shopping. Reimbursement is getting the money used for shopping back. For instance, a mystery shopper purchases a watch from a store. The funds used to buy the watch are given back to the mystery shopper.

Cash Payment

This happens when an agreement is reached to be paid after shopping. The mystery shopper receives payment in cash for whatever task is carried out.

Cash and Reimbursement 

A mystery shopper can be paid in cash and reimbursed with the money used for shopping.

How Much Does a Mystery Shopper Earn?

The amount earned by mystery shoppers differs depending on the organization or individual that hires them. The task carried out also determines the amount paid. But on average, a mystery shopper receives about $20 per hour.


Being a student or working class does not prevent one from being a mystery shopper. All that needs to be done is find a mystery shopping company, register with them, get tasks done on time, and get paid. It is one good way to earn extra cash.

Yes, mystery shoppers keep what they purchase.

No, mystery shoppers don’t get paid in advance.

Ideally, a mystery shopper will have to purchase the item, and then the company will reimburse the mystery shopper after the job has been completed.

Many companies do it to know the quality of staff they have. Mystery shopping is legit. But care should be taken when selecting companies so as not to fall into the hands of scammers.

To become a mystery shopper, such individuals must be 17 years of age and above.